Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center

The Partnership Agreement of the project “Support to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center (BHMAC) in the implementation of a real-time information management system for mine action in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BHIMSMA Core” is officially signed today. The agreement was signed by the representatives of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Norwegian People Aid, which are also responsible for the implementation of the project. With the development of IT technologies and the constant acceleration of the available Internet system, the existing mine information system of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center has become outdated, in order to enable a more efficient flow of information with a large number of interested parties.For this purpose, and in order to fulfill the requirements of the Mine Action Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the continuation of the project of digitalization of the information system of the Mine Action Center in Bosnia and Herzegovina started some time ago.By signing today's agreement, a gradual transfer of existing data to the new information system officially started today, which will be based on modern IMSMA Core technology. Its maintenance and support is provided by the Geneva Center for Humanitarian Demining and in accordance with international standards.Funds for the implementation of the project were provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.By transferring all mine action data and procedures from the existing information system of the BHMAC to the modern IMSMA Core Web information system, more accurate, will ensure more transparent and reliable data on mine action.Full use of the new system is expected by the end of 2023.Access to the BHIMSMA Core information system will be free.By implementing this project, Bosnia and Herzegovina confirms once again that it is directed towards a clear concept of mine action, which primarily includes continuous assessment of the mine situation, along with more efficient planning, coordination and inclusion of all mine action components into one integral process.


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